[:en] On October 12, 2020, Gigaphoton donated a supplementary prize of the “Quality Excellence Award” it received from ASML to Oyama City, and was awarded a letter of appreciation.

 On September 17, Gigaphoton was awarded the “Quality Excellence Award” at the “ASML Supplier Day” hosted by ASML and received a supplementary prize of 2,500 euros.
 In accordance with the company’s policy of contributing to the health of the local community, Gigaphoton donated 500,000 yen, inclusive of the prize from ASML, to the Health Promotion Division of Oyama City.In recognition of this donation, Gigaphoton received a certificate of appreciation from Oyama City, and the donation ceremony was held at Oyama City Hall on October 12th.

 We will continue to contribute not only to the development of customers and the industry, but also to the local community.

<Mayor Asano(left)and President Uranaka>

[:ja]ギガフォトンは2020年10月12日、ASML社より受賞した”Quality Excellence Award”の副賞を小山市に寄付し、感謝状が授与されました。

去る9月17日、ギガフォトンはASML社主催の「ASML Supplier Day」にて「Quality Excellence Award」を受賞し、副賞 2500ユーロを受領しました。その副賞に寸志を追加した総額50万円を、地域の皆様の健康に寄与するという当社方針に則り、小山市健康増進課に寄付致しました。これを受け小山市より感謝状が授与され、10月12日寄贈式が小山市役所にて行われました。


<浅野市長(左)と浦中社長 市長公室にて>
