
ギガフォトンは、被災された方々や地域の救援および復興に、義援金を寄付することといたしました。  併せて、行方不明となっている方々の無事が一刻も早く確認されることを心から願い、被災地の1日も早い復興をお祈りいたします。

代表取締役社長 都丸仁[:en]I would like to express my deepest condolences to all those who lost their lives on February 6 in the magnitude 6.4 earthquake, which epicentered in Kaohsiung City, located in southern Taiwan and my deepest sympathies to all others who have been affected.

Gigaphoton has decided donation as relief and to help restore the area and aid victims.

I sincerely hope that the safety of those who are still missing can be confirmed as soon as possible and pray for the early restoration of the disaster areas.

Yours sincerely,

Hitoshi Tomaru

President & CEO

Gigaphoton Inc.[:ct]2月6日,台灣南部發生芮氏規模6.4,震央位於台灣高雄市的地震。敝公司GIGAPHOTON為因此次災難而不幸去世的罹難者祈福,與致上最深的哀悼之意,並向所有受災的台灣朋友們致上誠摯慰問。




董事總經理 都丸 仁[:]