
Pilot light source for EUV lithography mass production plants achieves stable average output of 100W and 5% conversion efficiency

Oyama, Tochigi; October 21, 2016 — Gigaphoton Inc., a leading manufacturer of light sources used in lithography, has announced success in achieving a world record 5% conversion efficiency with 100W of average output in stable operation and a high duty rate of 95%. This comes as a result of perfecting a pilot light source1 designed for operation in state-of-the-art semiconductor mass production lines that utilize Laser-Produced Plasma (LPP) light sources for EUV scanners, which the company is currently engaged in developing.

To date, Gigaphoton has developed a number of innovative technologies and improvements, which include sub 20 μm micro droplet supply technology; a high luminous-quality main pulse beam that combines an improved solid-state pre-pulse laser with a newly introduced Mitsubishi Electric product designated as a high frequency discharge excitation-type three-axis orthogonal CO2 laser amplifier; improvements in energy control technology; and a debris removal technology developed by Gigaphoton that operates via magnetic fields. These advancements have all contributed to accomplishing 130W or better continuous operation on a prototype machine, an achievement announced earlier this year in July. This latest pilot light source incorporates these new technologies in a system designed based on the assumption of integrating an EUV scanner.

The pilot light source has successfully achieved 5% conversion efficiency with 105W of average output in stable operation and a high duty rate of 95% (a rate that measures light emission time versus operating time), which is a more demanding workload than the prototype underwent. This is in line with the 100W average output that governs throughput in semiconductor production, and is considered a performance level that exceeds the requirements of users today. The success achieved in this operational demonstration confirms that the realization of cutting edge semiconductor production lines is just around the corner.

Hakaru Mizoguchi, Vice President & CTO of Gigaphoton says, ”Our success in achieving a world record 5% conversion efficiency while attaining a 100W average output in stable operation and high duty rate of 95% with our pilot light source―which is designed to operate in state-of-the-art semiconductor mass production lines―shows that we are very close to the market introduction stage for EUV light sources that will be capable of delivering stable operation, high output, and low running costs. We are confident that Gigaphoton’s advanced technological capabilities and development efforts will not only accelerate the development of EUV scanners for mass production, which is the next generation of technology in lithography, but will also support overall development in the semiconductor industry and contribute to the realization of an IoT based society.”

1: a light source designed by Gigaphoton for use in mass production plants that use EUV lithography; also referred to as a, “High Output Demonstration Unit.”

*More details on this matter scheduled for release at the following upcoming event (October 24-26, 2016):

2016 International Symposium on Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography

*This project utilizes results from the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) grant program.

About Gigaphoton

Since it was founded in 2000, Gigaphoton has delivered valuable solutions to semiconductor manufacturers throughout the world as a laser supplier. Gigaphoton’s patented and innovative technology of LPP EUV solutions play a leading role in achieving better cost effectiveness and productivity in EUV scanners intended for high-volume manufacturing. In every stage from R&D to manufacture, sales, and maintenance services, Gigaphoton is committed to providing world-class support delivered from the perspective of everyday users. For more information please visit www.gigaphoton.com.

Media contact:

Gigaphoton Inc.

Corporate Planning Department

Akinori Matsui

TEL: +81-285-37-6931

Email: web_info@gigaphoton.com

The information contained in this news release is current at the time of announcement and subject to change without notice.



栃木県小山市; 20161021リソグラフィ光源の主要メーカーであるギガフォトン株式会社は、現在開発中のEUVスキャナー用レーザー生成プラズマ(LPP)光源の、最先端半導体量産ラインでの稼働を想定したパイロット光源注) が完成し、95%の高デューティー、平均出力100Wの安定運転で、世界最高水準である発光効率5%を実現したと発表しました。


ギガフォトン代表取締役副社長兼CTOである溝口計氏は、次のようにコメントしています。 「最先端半導体量産ラインでの稼働を想定したパイロット光源で、95%の高デューティーおよび平均出力100Wの安定運転にて、世界最高水準の5%の発光効率で実現できたことは高出力、低ランニングコストでの安定稼働可能なEUV光源が、いよいよ市場導入間近であること示しています。このようなギガフォトンの高度な技術力と量産に向けた開発努力は、次世代露光技術としてのEUVスキャナーの開発を加速させるとともに、半導体産業の発展に寄与し、IoT社会の実現に貢献するものと確信しております。」


*本件の詳細は10月24日~26日 広島にて開催される、

2016 International Symposium on Extreme Ultraviolet Lithographyにて報告予定です。



2000年設立以来、ギガフォトンはレーザーサプライヤーとして、価値あるソリューションを世界の半導体メーカーに提供し続けています。ギガフォトンの、特許を取得した革新的技術であるLPP EUVソリューションは、費用対効果と生産性に優れた量産向けEUVスキャナーの実現に向けて先導的役割を果たしています。ギガフォトンは、研究開発から製造・販売・保守サービスまで、常にユーザー目線に立った業界最高水準のサポートをお約束します。詳細についてはwww.gigaphoton.comをご覧ください。





TEL: 0285-37-6931

Eメール: web_info@gigaphoton.com


Pilot light source for EUV lithography mass production plants achieves stable average output of 100W and 5% conversion efficiency

Oyama, Tochigi; October 21, 2016 — Gigaphoton Inc., a leading manufacturer of light sources used in lithography, has announced success in achieving a world record 5% conversion efficiency with 100W of average output in stable operation and a high duty rate of 95%. This comes as a result of perfecting a pilot light source1 designed for operation in state-of-the-art semiconductor mass production lines that utilize Laser-Produced Plasma (LPP) light sources for EUV scanners, which the company is currently engaged in developing.

To date, Gigaphoton has developed a number of innovative technologies and improvements, which include sub 20 μm micro droplet supply technology; a high luminous-quality main pulse beam that combines an improved solid-state pre-pulse laser with a newly introduced Mitsubishi Electric product designated as a high frequency discharge excitation-type three-axis orthogonal CO2 laser amplifier; improvements in energy control technology; and a debris removal technology developed by Gigaphoton that operates via magnetic fields. These advancements have all contributed to accomplishing 130W or better continuous operation on a prototype machine, an achievement announced earlier this year in July. This latest pilot light source incorporates these new technologies in a system designed based on the assumption of integrating an EUV scanner.

The pilot light source has successfully achieved 5% conversion efficiency with 105W of average output in stable operation and a high duty rate of 95% (a rate that measures light emission time versus operating time), which is a more demanding workload than the prototype underwent. This is in line with the 100W average output that governs throughput in semiconductor production, and is considered a performance level that exceeds the requirements of users today. The success achieved in this operational demonstration confirms that the realization of cutting edge semiconductor production lines is just around the corner.

Hakaru Mizoguchi, Vice President & CTO of Gigaphoton says, ”Our success in achieving a world record 5% conversion efficiency while attaining a 100W average output in stable operation and high duty rate of 95% with our pilot light source―which is designed to operate in state-of-the-art semiconductor mass production lines―shows that we are very close to the market introduction stage for EUV light sources that will be capable of delivering stable operation, high output, and low running costs. We are confident that Gigaphoton’s advanced technological capabilities and development efforts will not only accelerate the development of EUV scanners for mass production, which is the next generation of technology in lithography, but will also support overall development in the semiconductor industry and contribute to the realization of an IoT based society.”

1: a light source designed by Gigaphoton for use in mass production plants that use EUV lithography; also referred to as a, “High Output Demonstration Unit.”

*More details on this matter scheduled for release at the following upcoming event (October 24-26, 2016):

2016 International Symposium on Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography

*This project utilizes results from the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) grant program.

About Gigaphoton

Since it was founded in 2000, Gigaphoton has delivered valuable solutions to semiconductor manufacturers throughout the world as a laser supplier. Gigaphoton’s patented and innovative technology of LPP EUV solutions play a leading role in achieving better cost effectiveness and productivity in EUV scanners intended for high-volume manufacturing. In every stage from R&D to manufacture, sales, and maintenance services, Gigaphoton is committed to providing world-class support delivered from the perspective of everyday users. For more information please visit www.gigaphoton.com.

Media contact:

Gigaphoton Inc.

Corporate Planning Department

Akinori Matsui

TEL: +81-285-37-6931

Email: web_info@gigaphoton.com

The information contained in this news release is current at the time of announcement and subject to change without notice.[:ct]


栃木縣小山市20161021日消息(美國商業資訊)–微影光源的主要生產廠商—Gigaphoton株式會社宣布:日前完成了一種雷射激發電漿(Laser Produced Plasma,LPP)光源的測試光源,旨在用於目前正在開發的EUV曝光機。這種測試光源是在最先進的半導體量產線作業,以95%的高能率、平均功率100W的穩定運轉實現了5%的發光效率,屬於目前世界最高水準。




*本產品的詳細內容預計於10月24日~26日在廣島舉辦的2016 International Symposium on Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography上进進行報告。



Gigaphoton成立於2000年,是一家雷射供應商,自成立以來不斷為全球的半導體生產廠商提供有價值的解決方案。其中,LPP EUV解決方案是Gigaphoton公司開發的一項創新型技術,已經取得專利,為性價比及生產性優異的量產型EUV曝光機的實現充當了開路先鋒。Gigaphoton時刻以客戶為中心,從產品研發到生產、銷售及維護,為用戶提供業界最高水準的支援。關於詳細介紹請造訪本公司的網站:www.gigaphoton.com。







EUV 리소그래피 양산 공장 대응 파일럿 광원으로 평균출력 100W의 안정가동 및 발광효율5% 동시 달성

오야마시 토치기현, 일본–(Business Wire/뉴스와이어) 20161021 리소그래피 광원의 주요 제조업체인 기가포톤 주식회사(Gigaphoton Inc.)는 현재 개발 중인 EUV 스캐너용 레이저 생성 플라즈마(LPP)광원의 최첨단 반도체 양산 라인에서의 가동을 시작한 파일럿 광원(이 완성되어 95%의 고효율, 평균출력 100W의 안정운전을 통해 세계최고수준인 발광효율 5%를 실현했다고 발표했다.

기가포톤은 지금까지 20μm이하의극소 드롭렛 공급 기술, 고체 레이저를 사용한 개량형 프리펄스, 새로이 도입한 미쓰비시전기 주식회사의 고주파 방전여기식 3축 직교형 CO2 레이저 증폭기를 이용한 고광품위 메인 펄스빔의 조합, 에너지 제어 기술 개선, 기가포톤의 독자기술인 자기장을 사용한 데브리 제거 기술을 개발했다. 7월에는 프로토타입 기기에서 130W 이상의 연속운전을 달성했다고 발표했다. 이번 파일럿 광원은 EUV 스캐너에 도입하는 것을 전제로 설계된 시스템에 위의 신기술들을 적용한 것이다. 프로토타입 광원보다 훨씬 더 높은 듀티비(운전시간에 대한 발광기간의 비율)95%, 출력 105W의 안정운전, 발광효율 5%에 성공한 것이다. 이것은 반도체 생산의 처리량을 결정하는 평균출력으로 100W에 상당하며, 현시점에서 사용자의 요구를 뛰어넘은 성능이라 할 수 있다. 운전 실증에 성공한 것은 최첨단 반도체 라인 실현에 성큼 다가섰다는 증거일 것이다.

기가포톤 대표이사 부사장 겸 CTO인 미조구치 하카루 씨는 “최첨단 반도체 양산 라인에서의 가동을 상정한 파일럿 광원이다. 95%의 고효율과 평균출력 100W의 안정 운전을 통해 세계 최고수준인 5%의 발광효율을 실현함으로써 고출력과 저렴한 운영비로 안정가동이 가능한 EUV 광원의 시장도입이 머지 않았음을 말해준다. 기가포톤의 이러한 고도의 기술력과 양산을 위한 개발 노력은 차세대 노광 기술로써의 EUV 스캐너 개발을 가속화시키는 것은 물론 반도체 산업 발전에 기여함으로써 IoT 사회 실현에 기여할 것으로 확신한다”고 말했다.

[참고자료] 파일럿 광원( : 기가포톤이 EUV 리소그래피 양산 공장 대응 사양으로 설계한 광원, 별칭 ‘고출력 실증기’

*본 자료에 대한 자세한 내용은 10월 24일~26일 히로시마에서 개최되는

2016 International Symposium on Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography에서 발표할 예정임.

*본 자료는 국립연구개발법인 ‘신에너지・산업기술종합개발기구(NEDO)’의 조성 프로그램의 성과를 활용함.

기가포톤(Gigaphoton) 개요

기가포톤은 2000년 설립 이래 레이저 공급업체로서 반도체 제조사에 가치 있는 솔루션을 제공해 왔다. 특허를 취득한 기가포톤의 혁신적인 기술인 LPP EUV 솔루션은 비용 대비 효과 및 생산성이 뛰어난 양산용 EUV 스캐너를 만들기 위해 선도적인 역할을 해 왔다. 기가포톤은 초기 연구 개발 단계부터 제조, 판매, 보수 서비스에 이르기까지 사용자의 시각을 반영한 세계 최고 수준의 지원을 제공하고자 최선을 다하고 있다. 자세한 사항은 웹사이트(www.gigaphoton.com)에서 확인할 수 있다.

언론 연락처

기가포톤(Gigaphoton Inc.) 기업기획부(Corporate Planning Department) 마쓰이 아키노리(Akinori Matsui) +81-285-37-6931 web_info@gigaphoton.com

보도자료에 기재된 정보는 발표 시점의 정보이며, 예고 없이 변경될 수 있다.[:]