
A great step forward toward using EUV exposure equipment in semiconductor mass-production factories

Oyama, Tochigi; July 6, 2017 — Gigaphoton Inc., a leading manufacturer of light sources used in semiconductor lithography, has announced that the company, which is developing laser-produced plasma (LPP) light sources for EUV scanners, has confirmed the potential of over 80% availability with a pilot light source Note)that assumed operation in leading-edge semiconductor mass-production lines. This availability level enables mass-production.

This spring, Gigaphoton conducted a simulation test for two weeks with a system equipped with a dummy collector mirror using the EUV pilot light source currently under development and testing, and achieved 64% availability. The operating states of the pilot light source consisted of 64% for the operating & waiting time, 25% for the down time on holidays, at night, etc., and 11% for the down time for maintenance, etc. This is potentially equivalent to availability of 80% or higher if the light source had been operating without stopping on holidays, at night, etc.

Hakaru Mizoguchi, Vice President & CTO of Gigaphoton said, “The potential of over 80% availability was confirmed with a pilot source that assumed operation in leading-edge semiconductor mass-production lines, indicating that we have come closer to introducing EUV light sources to the market. We will continue to develop EUV light sources that achieve high availability and reliability to enable mass-production.”

Note) Light source designed by Gigaphoton for use in EUV lithography mass-production factories. Also called high output demonstration equipment.

*This project accesses the experimental results of a subsidy program under New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO).

 About Gigaphoton

Since it was founded in 2000, Gigaphoton has delivered valuable solutions to semiconductor manufacturers throughout the world as a light source supplier. Gigaphoton’s patented and innovative technology of LPP EUV solutions play a leading role in achieving better cost effectiveness and productivity in EUV scanners intended for high-volume manufacturing. In every stage from R&D to manufacture, sales, and maintenance services, Gigaphoton is committed to providing world-class support delivered from the perspective of everyday users. For more information please visit www.gigaphoton.com.


Media contact:

Gigaphoton Inc.

Corporate Planning Division

Katsutomo Terashima

Phone: +81-285-37-6931

Email: web_info@gigaphoton.com

The information contained in this press release was correct at the time of publication, and may change without prior notice.[:ja]


栃木県小山市;2017年7月6日 — 半導体リソグラフィ光源の主要メーカーであるギガフォトン株式会社は、現在開発中のEUVスキャナー用レーザー生成プラズマ(LPP)光源について、最先端半導体量産ラインでの稼働を想定したパイロット光源注) にて量産実現レベルである、稼働率(availability)80%以上のポテンシャルを確認したと発表しました。


ギガフォトン代表取締役副社長兼CTOである溝口計氏は、次のようにコメントしています。 「最先端半導体量産ラインでの稼働を想定したパイロット光源で、稼働率80%以上のポテンシャルが確認できたことは、EUV光源の市場導入がさらに近づいたことを示しています。我々は引き続き量産実現を目指して、高稼働高信頼性を実現するEUV光源の開発を進めます。」




2000年設立以来、ギガフォトンはレーザーサプライヤーとして、価値あるソリューションを世界の半導体メーカーに提供し続けています。ギガフォトンの、特許を取得した革新的技術であるLPP EUVソリューションは、費用対効果と生産性に優れた量産向けEUVスキャナーの実現に向けて先導的役割を果たしています。ギガフォトンは、研究開発から製造・販売・保守サービスまで、常にユーザー目線に立った業界最高水準のサポートをお約束します。詳細についてはwww.gigaphoton.comをご覧ください。





TEL: 0285-37-6931[:cs]

A great step forward toward using EUV exposure equipment in semiconductor mass-production factories

Oyama, Tochigi; July 6, 2017 — Gigaphoton Inc., a leading manufacturer of light sources used in semiconductor lithography, has announced that the company, which is developing laser-produced plasma (LPP) light sources for EUV scanners, has confirmed the potential of over 80% availability with a pilot light source Note)that assumed operation in leading-edge semiconductor mass-production lines. This availability level enables mass-production.

This spring, Gigaphoton conducted a simulation test for two weeks with a system equipped with a dummy collector mirror using the EUV pilot light source currently under development and testing, and achieved 64% availability. The operating states of the pilot light source consisted of 64% for the operating & waiting time, 25% for the down time on holidays, at night, etc., and 11% for the down time for maintenance, etc. This is potentially equivalent to availability of 80% or higher if the light source had been operating without stopping on holidays, at night, etc.

Hakaru Mizoguchi, Vice President & CTO of Gigaphoton said, “The potential of over 80% availability was confirmed with a pilot source that assumed operation in leading-edge semiconductor mass-production lines, indicating that we have come closer to introducing EUV light sources to the market. We will continue to develop EUV light sources that achieve high availability and reliability to enable mass-production.”

Note) Light source designed by Gigaphoton for use in EUV lithography mass-production factories. Also called high output demonstration equipment.

*This project accesses the experimental results of a subsidy program under New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO).

 About Gigaphoton

Since it was founded in 2000, Gigaphoton has delivered valuable solutions to semiconductor manufacturers throughout the world as a light source supplier. Gigaphoton’s patented and innovative technology of LPP EUV solutions play a leading role in achieving better cost effectiveness and productivity in EUV scanners intended for high-volume manufacturing. In every stage from R&D to manufacture, sales, and maintenance services, Gigaphoton is committed to providing world-class support delivered from the perspective of everyday users. For more information please visit www.gigaphoton.com.


Media contact:

Gigaphoton Inc.

Corporate Planning Division

Katsutomo Terashima

Phone: +81-285-37-6931

Email: web_info@gigaphoton.com

The information contained in this press release was correct at the time of publication, and may change without prior notice.[:ct]


栃木縣小山市—2017年7月6日– 半導體顯影光源的主要供應商Gigaphoton株式會社針對目前正在開發中的EUV雷射等離子體光源(Laser Produced Plasma,LPP)對外發表,已經確認了假想要能用於最先端半導體產線生產之試驗光源注)已經達到可實現量產之水準,稼動率(Availability)具有可達到80%以上之潛力。

Gigaphoton於今年春天使用目前正用於開發驗證中的EUV試驗光源搭載Dummy Collector Mirror並實施了為期兩星期的模擬實驗時,結果獲得了稼動率(availability)64%的成績。關於試驗光源工作狀況的詳情為,稼動與與待機時間64%,因休息日和夜間等情況導致停止之工作時間25%,其他因維護等原因導致停止之工作時間11%,假設上述假日、夜間等情況皆不停止工作持續稼動的情況下,以潛力而言,等同於可達到80%以上之稼動率。


注)Gigaphoton根據對應EUV顯影量產工廠規格所設計的光源。別稱「高功率實證裝置」 *本次開發應用了國立研究開發法人「新能源・產業技術綜合開發機構(NEDO)」支援計畫的成果。


Gigaphoton公司成立於2000年,作為一家雷射器的供應商,自成立以來一直為全球的半導體生產廠商提供有價值的解決方案。目前Gigaphoton已取得專利的革命性技術LPP EUV解決方案在實現具有優秀成本效益和生產性的量產EUV掃描器的道路上發揮了先導性作用。Gigaphoton時刻以客戶為中心,從產品研發到生產、銷售及維護,為用戶提供業界最高水準的支援。更為詳細的介紹請您造訪:www.gigaphoton.com









電子信箱: web_info@gigaphoton.com



EUV 노광 장치를 반도체 양산 공장에 적용하기 위해 크게 전진

오야마, 일본–(Business Wire/뉴스와이어) 201776반도체 리소그래피 광원 주요 제조업체인 기가포톤 주식회사(본사: 토치기현 오야마시, 대표이사 사장: 우라나카 카츠미)는 현재 개발중인 EUV 스캐너용 레이저 생성 플라즈마(LPP) 광원에 대해 최첨단 반도체 양산 라인에서의 가동을 상정한 파일럿 광원에서 양산 실현 레벨인 가동률(availability) 80% 이상의 가능성을 확인했다고 발표했다.

기가포톤은 올 봄, 현재 개발 검증 중인 EUV 파일럿 광원에서 모형 집광 미러를 탑재한 모의시험을 2주에 걸쳐 실시한 결과, 가동률(availability) 64%라는 결과를 얻었다. 파일럿 광원의 자세한 동작 상황은 가동・대기시간 64%, 휴일・야간 등으로 인한 정지시간 25%, 기타 유지보수 등으로 인한 정지시간 11%였으며, 이는 휴일, 야간 등에도 정지하지 않고 가동시켰다고 가정하면 가동률(availability) 80% 이상과 동등하다고 할 수 있다.

기가포톤 대표이사 부사장 겸 CTO인 미조구치 하카루 씨는 “최첨단 반도체 양산 라인에서의 가동을 상정한 파일럿 광원으로 가동률 80% 이상의 가능성을 확인한 것은 EUV 광원의 시장 도입이 조금 더 가까워졌다는 것을 시사한다. 기가포톤은 지속적으로 양산을 실현하기 위해 고가동·고신뢰성을 실현할 EUV 광원을 개발하겠다.”고 말했다.

) 기가포톤이 EUV 리소그래피 양산 공장 대응 사양으로 설계한 광원. 별칭 ‘고출력 실증기’

*본 건은 국립연구개발법인 신에너지·산업기술종합개발기구(NEDO)의 조성 프로그램 성과를 활용했다.

 기가포톤(Gigaphoton) 개요

기가포톤은 2000년 설립 이래 레이저 공급업체로서 반도체 제조사에 가치 있는 솔루션을 제공해왔다. 특허를 취득한 기가포톤의 혁신적인 기술인 LPP EUV 솔루션은 비용대비 효과 및 생산성이 뛰어난 양산용 EUV 스캐너를 만들기 위해 선도적인 역할을 해왔다. 기가포톤은 초기 연구개발 단계부터 제조, 판매, 보수서비스에 이르기까지 사용자의 시각을 반영한 세계최고수준의 지원을 제공하고자 최선을 다하고 있다. 자세한 사항은 웹사이트(www.gigaphoton.com)에서 확인할 수 있다.

 본 보도자료는 해당 기업에서 원하는 언어로 작성한 원문을 한국어로 번역한 것이다. 그러므로 번역문의 정확한 사실 확인을 위해서는 원문 대조 절차를 거쳐야 한다. 처음 작성된 원문만이 공식적인 효력을 갖는 발표로 인정되며 모든 법적 책임은 원문에 한해 유효하다.









보도자료에 기재된 정보는 발표시점의 정보이며, 예고 없이 변경될 수 있다.[:]