We would like to report updated status of our operations.

    1. Recovery schedule
      1) Production facility Recovery is on schedule and we have started standard production in a part of our factory. As we go through check procedure of safety and performances of fab equipments, the production capacity will fully recover by March 22.
      Our EUV facility in Hiratsuka, Kanagawa is under recovery according to the original schedule and will be recovered by the end of this week.


2) Supply chain
Our supply chain investigation showed that enough production capacity is maintained. However there are some risks identified and we are working on appropriate actions.

    • Supply volume of some ancillary materials is limited due to priorities given to suffered area and hospitals. Impact on operations will be minimized through maximum saving.
    • One of our suppliers has its factory in suffered area and production relocation is being carried out. This would not affect laser production, but may affect a part of our consumable part shipment. Impact is currently being studied and assessed.
  1. Other risk factors
    1) Nuclear power plant in Fukushima
    Evacuation is ordered by Japanese government from within a 20 kilometer radius of the plant. Our factory is 165 kilometers away from the plant and it has safe enough distance based on available information today.2) Planned power outage
    The impact is still to be assessed and counter plan to be finalized as soon as the details of power outage plan are disclosed by Tokyo Electric Power Co,.

    3) Logistics disturbances
    There are some infrequent disturbances in logistics which may have an impact on incoming parts or on shipment parts or lasers.

We all continue to strive for the earliest recovery. Your understanding and support would be highly appreciated.

Sincerely Yours,

Yuji Watanabe
Gigaphoton Inc.

Company Contact:
Kenji Takahisa
Management Planning Division
Tel: +81- 285-37-6931
Fax: +81-285-28-8439
E-mail: kenji_takahisa@gigaphoton.com3月14日の第一報に引き続き、以下に現時点での当社の状況と復旧見込の第二報をご連絡いたします。

  1. 復旧の目処
    1) 生産設備

    2) サプライチェーン

    • 一部補助材料の供給に関し、被災地・医療機関への優先的な配分をするために確保できる量が制限されています。しかし最大限の節約をすることでオペレーションへの影響を最小限に抑えます。
    • サプライヤのうち1社が被災地にも工場があり、他の工場への生産移転を進めています。これによる一部機種の補給品への影響を調査中です。レーザ本体の生産への影響はありません。
  2. その他のリスク要因
    1) 福島第一原子力発電所の放射能放出事故による影響に関しては、当社とそのサプライヤ共に政府指定の避難区域外にあり、現時点で影響はないと判断しております。

    2) 計画停電(輪番停電)の影響については、現在停電の情報を待ちながら対応計画を検討中であり、判明次第、関係者の皆様にご連絡申し上げます。

    3) 国内外の物流網の一部に混乱が見られるため、部品の調達・供給に影響が出る可能性があります。状況を把握し、代替手段の検討などの対策を進めます。



ギガフォトン株式会社 経営企画室 高久 賢次
TEL: 0285-37-6931
Email: kenji_takahisa@gigaphoton.com