

栃木県小山市; 20151214リソグラフィ光源の主要メーカーであるギガフォトン株式会社は、現在開発中のEUVスキャナー用レーザー生成プラズマ(LPP)光源のプロトタイプ機において、エネルギー安定性平均0.5%以下にて、ロジック生産適用可能レベルである出力108Wの安定発光を、24時間連続運転で成功させたと発表しました。


ギガフォトン代表取締役副社長兼CTOである溝口計氏は、次のようにコメントしています。 「出力108Wにて24時間の連続運転に成功したことは、半導体量産工場が待望する高出力、低ランニングコストで安定稼働が可能なEUV光源の完成が間近であること示しています。また本件の他に、EUVL基盤開発センター(EIDEC)でのEUVレジスト アウトガスコントロール プログラムが使用しているEUV照射装置には、ギガフォトンのEUV光源が採用されており、EUV用レジストの開発に貢献しております。このようなギガフォトンの高度な技術力と量産に向けた開発努力は、量産用EUVスキャナーの開発を加速させ、次世代露光技術としてのEUVスキャナーの導入時期を一層早めるだけでなく、半導体の性能向上を進化させ、ひいてはIoTなどの情報技術を支える基幹技術として、産業の発展に寄与する画期的な成果であると確信しております」。

本件を含むギガフォトンの最新のEUV光源開発状況については、12月16日から18日まで東京ビッグサイトで開催されるSEMICON Japan 2015にて発表予定です。




ギガフォトンの、特許を取得した革新的技術であるLPP EUVソリューションは、費用対効果と生産性に優れた量産向けEUVスキャナーの実現に向けて先導的役割を果たしています。ギガフォトンはグローバルなビジネス展望を持って、研究開発から製造までのあらゆる事業分野においてエンドユーザーのニーズに焦点をあて、業界最高の信頼性と世界水準の顧客サポートでリソグラフィ光源を供給する世界No. 1企業を目指します。詳細は、http://www.gigaphoton.comをご覧ください。



経営企 経営企画部  松井 章記

TEL:  0285-37-6931

Eメー: Eメール: web_info@gigaphoton.com


Continuous Operation Possible for Logical Circuitry Manufacturing

Oyama City, Tochigi Prefecture; December 14, 2015—Gigaphoton Inc., a major lithography light source manufacturer, announced today that it succeeded in twenty-four hour continuous operation and stable emission of an extreme ultraviolet (EUV) light source scanner, a laser-produced plasma (LPP) light source prototype device that it is currently developing, at an output of 108W, with an average energy stability of no greater than 0.5%.

This achievement builds on further advances in key technologies developed by Gigaphoton, such as Droplet Generators capable of producing droplets 20 microns or smaller in diameter, solid-state pre-pulse laser and main pulse carbon dioxide (CO2) laser combinations, debris mitigation technology using magnetic fields, and energy control technologies. Gigaphoton plans to start operating a high-output test unit by the end of 2015, to achieve 250W levels, a target needed for mass manufacturing applications such as memory devices moving forward.

Vice-president and CTO of Gigaphoton, Hakaru Mizoguchi, had the following to say. Our ability to succeed with continuous operation for twenty-four hours at an output of 108W indicates that we are close to completing an EUV light source that can operate stably with low running costs and high output, which is what semiconductor manufacturers are looking for. In addition to this news, Gigaphoton’s EUV light sources are in use at the EUVL Infrastructure Development Center (EIDEC) as EUV irradiators in use as part of the EUV Resistance Outgassing Control Program. These irradiators are contributing to the development of EUV resistance. This development effort toward superior technological skill and mass production on the part of Gigaphoton is helping us to accelerate our work on the EUV scanner. Not only am I certain that when we bring it to market we will herald the next generation of exposure technology, I am also confident that it will help us to improve semiconductor performance, and contribute epochal results to the growth of the industry as a new core technology that will support information technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT).”

More on this advance as well as information on the latest in EUV light source development will be announced at SEMICON Japan 2015, to be held from December 16th through the 18th at Tokyo Big Site.

NB: This milestone was achieved as part of a program subsidized by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO).


Since its founding in 2000, Gigaphoton has been developing and supplying user-friendly, high-performance, deep ultraviolet (DUV) laser light sources for leading semiconductor manufacturers throughout Asia, the US and Europe.

Gigaphoton is working to play a leading role in developing cost-effective EUV scanners for mass production, with its focus on LPP EUV solutions that utilize groundbreaking technologies through the use of our numerous patents. Gigaphoton is working to be the number one supplier in the world of excellent lithography light sources. Always focusing on the needs of the end users, we aim for the best reliability in the world and for customer support that meets global standards in all areas from research and development through manufacturing. For more information, please visit http://www.gigaphoton.com/en.

Media Contact

Akinori Matsui

Corporate Planning Division

Gigaphoton, Inc. +

Email: web_info@gigaphoton.com

